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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

VIA from Starbucks is actually good

Like most Americans, I drink coffee. Unlike most, I drink mine black. But no matter how you drink your coffee, most can agree that instant coffee blows. Well, VIA from Starbucks might make you change your mind.

So my preferences for coffee are different from other New Englanders who drink theirs "regular". I know Dunkin Donuts are on every corner around here, but their coffee can seem watery at times. Sure with enough cream and sugar, it tastes "good", if by good you mean you like to drink cream and sugar with a bit of coffee. I usually prefer Starbucks' Pike Place roast. It's cheaper (don't argue with me, I did the math by the ounce) and the flavor is more robust. I'll admit it's not the best coffee, especially since it's too acidic and the roast too strong. But it's better than Dunkin Donuts.

When Starbucks announced that they were releasing an instant coffee and that it is nearly as good as their Pike Place roast, I thought they were stupid. One, why compete with your in-house brand. Two, $1 for an 8-ounce serving? Seriously? And I have to make it myself??? Well, I've tried it the day it came out. It was good. Maybe because it's instant, but it was smoother than their Pike Place roast. It was a lighter roast with less acidity. I mean, I was surprised it was instant coffee. Could you tell that it wasn't Pike Place? Yes. If you drink coffee at all, you can tell right away. But it was good enough that I'm thinking of stocking VIA at home for coffee cravings and guests. I don't have a coffee maker at home, so this is the next best thing (that and my Maxwell House is not cutting it - yuck).

So go out and buy some VIA. It's about $3.00 for a 3-pack and $10 for a 12-pack. And no, I have not been paid by anyone to write this. But here are some of my thoughts on coffee:

Dunkin Donuts: Okay. Be prepared to be slightly disappointed. Black is okay. If you hide your coffee with cream and sugar, then you'll like it. They're heavy-handed.
Starbucks: Good. Nice strong taste, but a bit too strong. Be prepared for the strong roast and a bit too much acidity.
Green Mountain: Bland. If you must, go as dark a roast you can get, otherwise you're getting dark water with a hint of coffee.
@ Bickford's: Nasty. But it's cheap and bottomless. Drink it for the caffeine.
@ Cheesecake's: Pretty good. Lighter than Starbucks.
@ Finale's: Good stuff, but a bit pricey.

There are others I can't remember, so whatever.