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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sparkling red wine?

I was out with some friends a couple weeks back. After a filling dinner, we stopped by Finale's by Park Plaza to grab some desserts and drinks. While checking out the wine list there, we came across a sparkling red wine. It was the Imperial Star "Black Bubbles", a sparkling Shiraz. Now I don't love wine, but I do like it. And I've never had a sparkling red wine. According to our server, it would not only be carbonated, but chilled as well. That sealed the deal. We ordered a bottle with some other drinks and dessert.

The bottle came to the table and our server distributed the bottle among the glasses. I took a sip and boy was I surprised. The wine was delightfully chilled and the bubbles leaves a refreshing feeling in your mouth. It was unlike any red wine I've ever had. I'm not sure if it was because it was chilled or because of the bubbles, but the Shiraz didn't have that acidic cut that most red wines have. It felt light enough to go along with our dessert.

So next time you go to Finale's, go ahead and try the "Black Bubbles" out.

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