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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Back to Action...take 2

So...uh...I guess I failed last time when I said I would get right back to regular workouts. That was actually a pretty funny story. When I wrote I wasn't sore last time, I spoke slightly too soon. The next day, my chest was quite tight and sore. The tightness wound up staying for a week. Guess I did hit it harder than I thought. But anyway, I got busy, then I went on vacation last week. So I didn't really make it back to the gym. I managed to do a BBS at home, pushups whenever I can, and squats at work during bathroom breaks. But nothing like a good 30-60 minutes in a gym.

However, today's the day! I'm finally getting over the sleeping at California time, so I'm rested again. And today, my brother will join Planet Fitness. So I'm probably going to take him through a light workout as he's never worked out before. I'll show him the basics of warming up, some basic CTAL exercises, and a proper cooldown. Hoping to spend 30 minutes, with minimal rest. I did some pushups a few days ago, so hopefully my chest doesn't complain too much after this workout. Pretty excited!

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