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Monday, April 6, 2009

Okay week...

I definitely overworked my shoulders. But I did switch to a schedule that's not as intense and has more rest time. I didn't make it to Planet Fitness to sign up; I had a few dinners during the week and didn't feel like walking in before bedtime to sign up. Here's the breakdown:

Monday: Squats (50), lunges (25 each), BBS
Tuesday: Calf raises (90), counter pushups (30)
Wednesday: Squats (50), lunges (25 each), CTA
Thursday: Chest isometric (60), calf raises (90)
Friday: Squats (50)
Saturday: None
Sunday: None

I'm still doing mini-workouts for the legs. I did take out any upper body exercises except for BBS and CTA at home. This week I plan on splitting my workouts differently with some cardio at Planet Fitness (I know, I say this every week). If after this week, my shoulder still feels weird, then I will stop all upper body workouts till it heals.

I'm still doing fine with my eating habits. Trying hard to resist certain foods. I don't deprive myself, but I'm pretty good during work hours. After hours and on weekends, I try to be picky with what I eat, but allow myself not-so-good food in moderation. For example, I had some sushi with spicy mayo (gasp!), one Popeye's Cajun french fry (soooo good), and sugar-free non-fat frozen yogurt with peanut butter cups mixed in (sugar!!) on Friday night. So I try to cut when and where I can while allowing myself some guilty pleasure. Besides, I know once Monday hits, it's back to bland-food-city.

Last weigh-in:
179.0 lb

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