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Monday, April 27, 2009

Run. Run. Run.

Well, so far I'm keeping up with my workout schedule. I'm doing my weight regimen with plenty of rest. I'm running three times a week. I'm pretty excited about sticking to this. Here's the breakdown:

Sunday: Chest/back/abs
Monday: Run
Tuesday: Squats (50), shoulders/biceps/triceps, ab work
Wednesday: Run
Thursday: Squats, lunges
Friday: Run, ab work
Satuday: Small hike in NH

One change I made is that I'm running in the morning before work. So yeah, I'm actually waking up earlier than usual for something that isn't quite fun. Plus, I shower at the gym...*shudders*. But the feeling of knowing you got a difficult workout out of the way is out of this world. It beats getting off work and knowing you have to spend an hour to hour and half working out and showering. Leaves time for the other wonderful mundate tasks of my work week routine.

Again, diet is still a toughie for me. Friday night, instead of going for Subway for a $5 footlong, I opted for Boston Market. Bad decision. The grease made me feel sick. Let's not even talk about the weekend. I know I might be a bit harsh on myself, but I aim for 100% adherence to my diet mainly because I know I would only achieve 70 - 80%. If I aim for 80%, I might only hit 50 - 60%. Hence, the bland healthy food during work. I know I won't eat as healthy at night and on the weekends, so I build insurance in. I work against my weakness. But anyway, with the consistent workouts and a critical eye on food, I've managed to lose quite a bit this week. Check it out for yourself.

Last weigh-in:
175.5 lb (on a Sunday!!)

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