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Monday, May 11, 2009

Two week update

I was a bit busy last week with my office move, so I didn't post a fitness update. So, I'm just going to put the last two weeks together:

Sunday: Chest/back/abs
Monday: Run
Tuesday: Single leg calf raises, shoulders/biceps/triceps
Wednesday: Run
Thursday: Lunges
Friday: Run
Saturday: none

175.5 lb

Sunday: Chest/back/abs
Monday: none
Tuesday: Run
Wednesday: Shoulders/biceps/triceps, calf raises
Thursday: Run
Friday: Squats
Saturday: none

Overall, I've been mostly good. I've been sticking with my weights workout and keeping with a 2-3 times run every week. I'm making very good progress in terms of my running. When I started I would break up my half hour run so I can preserve myself. Typical "run" was a 5 minute warmup, 10-13 minute run, 4-5 minute fast walk with incline, then a quick 1 minute of a fast run followed by a gradual 0.5 mph drop every 30 seconds until I hit 3.5 mph for a cool down. I would then walk at 3.5 mph at an incline until my heart rate drops to a more or less stable rate. However, my last run was warmup followed by 21 minutes of running. I went straight to my fast run with an incline then a cooldown. I felt very accomplished. I just wished I tightened my shoes beforehand. Had a small blister on my right foot afterwards, but that went away by Saturday.

As for weights, I'm at 20lb dumbbells with sets of 10 reps. I'm pretty satisfied with the healing of my shoulder, but I do notice that while strength is returning, power is not. I haven't tried throwing anything, but whenever I make sudden movements with my right arm, there's a twinge of discomfort. Not pain, but something. And with my paranoia, I am pretty slow with my reps, which probably is a good thing because I am working out with good form. I'm just worried about how I can't seem to do fast things with my right arm. One thing that was good about the last couple of weeks was my office move. With the move, I was the go-to person for most things heavy. I was very careful whenever I had to move or lift anything. And I feel the moving was a real-world test of my shoulder, and the stress of real-world lifting helped with the rehab a bit.

I went away for the weekend, and as you know, going away means eating. I didn't have my normal weigh-in, but a quick weigh-in after a dinner post-trip was at 178.0lb. The last weigh-in at my normal time and conditions was before my trip and is listed below. I did hit my goal of 175.0lb, but now that I've been working on cutting fat, I'm not placing as much emphasis on my weight. I haven't measured my body fat lately, but I'm paying more attention to how my clothes fit and how much I see my veins, which is a simple test to see if you've lost fat. Veins are more visible and "pop" when you have less fat (for a guy anyway). Based on what I've observed, I've lost some body fat, but I doubt it was 4% loss. I started at 15.7, so my goal is 11.7%. And I don't look like I'm at 11.7%.

Last weigh-in:
175.0 lb

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