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Sunday, May 24, 2009

New goals

After weighing in at my usual time, I realized I have finally cracked 175.0 lb. I had been wavering around there and was starting to worry that was my body's comfortable weight. Anyway, I was working out and I started to evaluate my journey here.

I left high school at 155 lb. Okay weight. I had the benefit of my younger faster metabolism. I graduated college at 165 lb when I added some bulk from periodic exercise. Then something happened. I started to work. I was still able to squeeze in workouts, but as my responsibilities grew, my stress grew. I had a job where I was pretty much 24/7 and I didn't feel like working out at the gym at work after work. It took my 45 minutes to get home. By the time I unwound it was 7-7:30PM. Dinnertime. My workouts were further and further apart. I hit my goal of "bulking" up to 175 lb. But I hadn't been working out. It was fat.

Then a couple years ago, I went on a hike to summit Mt. Monadnock. It was supposed to be an easy summit as I had done that before. My legs were screaming when I was halfway down. I told myself to start working out. The mini-workout was born. But I did nothing with my diet. Finally the wake up call. I weighed myself and I was at 189 lb; just shy of 190 lb. I knew I had to do something. And though it wasn't a quick-fix, I gradually made my way to where I am today.

Anyway. Since I've never felt better. I'd like to make some new fitness goals. I'd like to be sub-170 lb. I think that's a good weight for me. There are some pretty fit guys out there who are taller than me at my current weight. I must be carrying excess. I'd like to be at 8-11% body fat. I'd like to run a faster mile. I'd like to have a good right shoulder again. All these goals have an ulterior motive. I want to be fit enough to tackle some of the more physical goals in my life list. I mentioned before that I want to summit all 48 4,000 footers in NH. Kinda hard if I'm not in shape. There are some more items on my life list, but no need to list them all here. Anyway, here's last week's breakdown:

Sunday: Chest/back/abs
Monday: Run
Tuesday: Shoulders/biceps/triceps
Wednesday: Run
Thursday: None
Friday: Lunges
Saturday: Calf raises

Last weigh-in:
173.0 lb

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