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Monday, June 1, 2009

Beware the Brazilian BBQ Buffet!

So, I ate too much again. Man. Buffets are a killer. I went to a Brazilian BBQ Buffet the other day. This is a meat lover's dream. They bring large skewers of meat over and slice it right at the table for you. So...much...meat. But it was really good. But sooooo much.... I gotta really watch myself. Anyway, here's the breakdown:

Sunday: Chest/back/abs
Monday: None
Tuesday: Run
Wednesday: Shoulders/biceps/triceps, run
Thursday: None
Friday: Pullups, elevated pushups
Saturday: Run

I added pullups and elevated pushups to try to sneak "heavy" weights back in. I'm only doing three sets of five to start out just to be safe. My shoulder feels pretty good now and it only feels weird once in a while. I'm still taking glucosamine, mainly out of paranoia. I'll stop after I finish the bottle. Eventually, I'd like to get back to bench presses and some lat pulldowns/weighted pullups. For my regular weight workouts, I'm up to three sets of 14, so I upped the dumbbells to 25 pounds. We'll see how that goes next update.

The main thing now is getting ready for my hike. I'm still doing stairs at work, two at a time. Really gets my heart pumping and simulates short bursts going up a mountain. I need to make sure I do my squats and lunges though. Been kinda lax on that since running. Gotta work on my diet some more too. I'm pretty good at work, but I still get too relaxed outside of that. But the guilt's there, so that means I'm paying attention at least. Blegh, fitness is a life long struggle.

Last weigh-in:
173.5 lb

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