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Friday, April 18, 2008

Jerks in Quincy Market

I just got off the phone with my friend. Apparently, she just walked by some guys at Quincy Market who were telling some homeless guys to do pushups for their money. In the meantime, people around were laughing. Now I don't know the whole story, but if someone is abusing other people for laughs, that's just wrong. I don't care whether or not those homeless guys are real or not, or if they were going to use the money for alcohol and smokes. What I have a problem with is the fact that the guys with the money thought they were better than the homeless guys. No one is above anyone to humiliate them like that. If you don't want to give the money, then just walk away. No one forced to you give up that $1, quarter, or whatever. What boils me more is that no one stopped them. People don't care enough in the world.

Another time, I was going to Chinatown for a late dinner with a friend. It was raining and cold. As we walked by Imperial Seafood Restaurant by the Gate, I noticed a mound on the ground. Turns out to be some guy dressed in all black facedown in the rain. I was a little disturbed, but I heard him groan a bit. We walked to our destination, but the image disturbed us both, and I ran back to call 911. I reported his location and how he was dressed. I went back to my friend. Within minutes an ambulance and a police cruiser were there. BUT, what annoyed me was while I was making the 911 call, a guy walking through almost stepped on him. He looked down, realized it was a man (possibly homeless), and left! I mean, what the heck! Who does that? Just walk by a guy facedown in the rain.

People are just too into themselves.

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