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Monday, April 28, 2008

Kung Fu class, $1 oysters

I wound up not going to the Aikido open house on Saturday. I had a birthday BBQ to go to, but it was also because I thought it over pretty hard and decided kung fu is the right martial arts class to be in right now for me. I had a discussion with a friend who helped me realize again that my main focus at the moment is to be in good shape again. And the intensity of the kung fu training coupled with some supplemental weights at home will help me reach that more than aikido. So that's the conclusion of that dilemma.

After a week of trying to figure out what was happening on the weekend, I found my the first half of my Sunday open again. So I decided I should go to kung fu class. When I woke up at 11:45AM that day, that was not what I was feeling. But I got up, chowed down some Cheerios, got dressed, and got my butt to class. It was again pretty intense for me, probably because I'm still trying to get used to a high intensity workout that lasts 1hr 15min. But afterwards I felt great.

After showering and unwinding after class, I got ready to meet some friends at 28 Degrees ( on Appleton Street for a birthday celebration we were throwing for a friend. 28 Degrees is a pretty cool place, but the main reason we were there is for the oysters. M-Su, 5-7, they serve oysters on the half shell for $1 each. It's a pretty good deal and they're quite fresh and tasty. Six of us eventually would up eating 10 dozen plus 5 other dishes of food. The liquor was flowing a bit too. The eventual bill wound up pretty pricey, but it was good food, good friends, and good times. If you want a cool sleek place to unwind and eat, this would be the place to go. If your wallet's a little light, then I suggest going there for the oysters and maybe a drink then head elsewhere to fill your tummies.

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