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Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving workout update

Oh, man. What a week. After one birthday dinner the week before, I had another one right before Thanksgiving. Then, of course, the big Turkey Day. Oh man. Sooooo much food. To help counteract the increase in caloric intake, I tried to fit in more workouts:

Monday: Squats (40), lunges (20 each), kicking exercises, front raises (10, 10, 10), bent-over rows (10, 10, 10), hammer curls (10, 10, 15), biceps curls (10, 10, 15), shrugs (20, 20, 25)
Tuesday: Calf raises (75), pushups (45, 45)
Wednesday: Hammer curls (10), biceps curls (10)
Thursday: Hammer curls (10), biceps curls (10), calf raises (75)
Friday: Side raises (10, 10, 10), bent over raises (10, 10, 10), hammer curls (10), biceps curls (10), squats (40), diagonal raises (3x 10 each), low-weight hammer curls (20), low-weight biceps curls 20), compound shoulder/arm routine (10)
Saturday: Dips (10), calf raises (75), pushups (45)
Sunday: None

Still haven't made it to the gym, and still haven't added in the cardio. To make up for this, I try to limit my rest between sets when I work out at home. This allows me to keep my heart rate elevated so I can stress out my cardiovascular system. Not the best alternative, but it'll do.

Last weigh-in:
178.5lb (pretty good for the amount of food I had)

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