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Monday, May 19, 2008

Biking Spot Pond

Finally dusted off my bicycle in the garage and took it out for a ride. Five of us met at my mom's house where I keep my bike (my apartment doesn't have a lot of room for me to store stuff like that). We filled tires and I attempted to fix my front brake handle (my sister broke it last summer, but I didn't have the part). Then we set off on a nice route that I claimed was half an hour. About an hour later, we came back. I guess I was off on the time.

It was a decent ride. Lot of stopping and going in the beginning and end because of city riding, but once we hit the hockey rink in Stoneham, it was mostly smooth biking on Rte 28 and along Spot Pond. I get an email later from my cousin telling me it was a total of 8.4 miles. Not too bad for the first ride of the summer. It was nice to workout outdoors too. We're thinking we'll hit a bike path nice time so there would be less stopping. Breakheart reservation was nice last time I rode it a few years back. Lot of hills, so it's a great workout.

But speaking of working out, I've decided to stop my kung fu class. I haven't gone for two weeks, but I've been doing other things to maintain/build. I just can't justify the $95/month now that I'm finding it hard to make the classes. I'll probably do a mixture of working out at home and outdoors or join the YMCA again. It's easier for me to workout when I know I can do it anytime instead of during certain hours of certain days of the week.

Well, can't wait for the next ride.

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