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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

High school reunion

On of my friends from high school got her 10 year reunion notification last week. It's pretty weird, but next year, it'll be ten years since we graduated from high school. I know a few people who have already decided not to attend the reunion. I'm not quite sure if I would either.

What is the purpose of a reunion anyway? I mean, unless you did lose touch with some people after graduation and you want to get in touch again, sure it sounds like a great idea. But being in a pretty big greater metropolitan area, I didn't exactly fly the coop after graduation. I still live in the same city. In fact, most of my high school friends still do, some even at home. So, the people worth keeping in touch with, I'm already doing. Some not as frequent, but I can't think of a lot of people that I've lost touch with that didn't move away or whatever.

I feel like sometimes reunions are a status check. It's a convenient way to compare yourselves with others to see how far you've gone in life. Or a great way to showoff where you are. I suppose reunions can also be a great place to network. Who knows? I doubting that I would go though. Now if it was open bar...

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