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Saturday, May 31, 2008

More guitar madness!

I was practicing my guitar before bed as I am tempted to sometimes, and I decided to read a couple of chapters in my guitar book. I flipped through suspension chords and practiced them quickly. They are quite confusing. Each sus2 and sus4 for the chords can be different. It can be pinky here or a ring finger there. Sometimes it's remove a finger, sometimes it's add a finger. And then a seventh chord with a sus2 can be described as ninth chord (F7sus2 = F9). Craziness.

After suspensions, I flipped through bass runs. Then I reach barre chords. Boy, did this chapter explain a lot. For most of the songs I play, instead of the traditional F chord, I play the F barre chord. This chapter explains how the F barre chord came to be. The finger barre on the first fret essentially acts as a human capo and pops the normally E chord up half tone to an F chord (there is no E#/Fb). This chapter also explains B, Bm, and B7 chords. It is essentially A chords with a finger barre on the second fret (there are two half tones between A and B). Everything falls into place for the F and B chords now.

With all these new chords, my fingers are hurting from the new chord shapes and pressures. I'm sure my callouses will change once again to accommodate. But this is pretty exciting. I always wondered how some guitarists on YouTube fret their chords pretty far down on their guitar. Now I understand that they are just using a barre chord and moving down the neck to change the chord easier much like how I move from a F barre chord to a G barre chord. Now if I can only figure out the suspension chords.

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