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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Got a capo!

So I went out and purchased a capo for my guitar. I had found one at Target for $9.99, but I figured I should spend a bit more for a quality one. So I dropped $14.99 at Guitar Center for a trigger capo by Dunlop. It looked and felt like a quality one, so I felt good with the purchase. The salesman offered a capo for $19.99 that would also work on an electric guitar if I ever buy one in the future. I wasn't sure, and even though it was only $5.00 more, I opted out of that.

While at Guitar Center, I peeked into their humidity-controlled acoustic section to see what I might like in terms of my next guitar. Boy, was I overwhelmed. There were probably 100 guitars on the wall and stands. There were some people jamming away on a few guitars, and I felt pretty small in the presence of the beautiful music. I didn't bother picking one up to play, as I probably won't be able to tell the difference yet anyway. As I left I saw one guitar by the door for $899. My cousin told me she saw one for $1,500 when she was buying her Ibanez. I'm fine with my $60 Lyon by Washburn right now. Haha.

So, in terms of my guitar progress, I've learned a few more songs. It seems to be much easier to pick up new songs. I've also learned some more chords. Mostly seventh chords and power chords (fifth chords). I received a guitar book for my birthday, so I'm learning from that and the online lessons I've found previously. The book is currently teaching me suspension chords, while online, I am learning to play the blues riffs. I think I'm getting a pretty solid education here. Not professional, but pretty good for my recreational purposes.

As for the songs I can play, they are:

Ingrid Michaelson - "The Way I Am" (half of it anyway)
U2 - "One"
The Perishers - "Pills"
Pearl Jam - "Last Kiss"
U2 - "With or Without You"
One Republic - "Apologize"

While learning to play "Apologize", I realized I cannot sing. Haha. I'm working on that. I think it's more of a self-conscious issue anyway. I tend to sing in my speaking voice when I'm around others, as if I'm afraid what they would think of my singing voice. I'm no American Idol, but I'd like to get to the point where I can have a decent singing voice for my guitar accompaniment. I did discover that if I capo the 5th fret, "With or Without You" and "Apologize" is easier to sing as the higher key encourages me to start singing in a more comfortable key.

Anyway, hoping my learning will advance even more later.

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