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Monday, November 17, 2008

The ordeal is over

I haven't had much time to write about this due to my ever-increasing workload, but I think my HP ordeal is over. I had finally received my replacement laptop after 4.5 months.

So what good came from this? HP sent me a superior laptop compared to my dv2415nr. They sent me a dv4t equipped with a Pentium Core 2 Duo, 2GB of RAM, 250GB HDD, blah blah blah. Still Windows Vista, but the improved specs seem to handle it pretty well. I just need to send in my old one now.

The bad? Well...

1) Had to send my laptop to the repair center four times.
2) Out of the four times, my laptop was repaired to its original condition ZERO times
3) Out of the four times, I've had half my RAM taken away and then had my dual-core Turion replaced with a single-core.
4) Regular tech/customer support stinks.
5) Executive case manager support stinks (Although after I contacted the BBB, a higher executive case manager called me and the case moved smoothly after that)

To be fair, if you stick around long enough, someone high-level enough will eventually call you and your case will eventually be closed. I guess my suggestions would be to have patience, escalate the case along in a reasonable matter, and try to keep temper in check. I appreciate how HP eventually solved my problem, but this whole thing has left a sour taste in my mouth. I cringe when I see ads and articles about HP now. Will I buy HP again? Maybe, but not for a long, long time.

So to sum it up: Thanks HP for replacing my broken laptop, but you still stink.

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