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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Visiting cousin means FOOOOD!

Not that great of a week. Barely finished my mini-workouts. Barely squeezed in an additional workout. Then I entertained my cousin who came up to visit. And visiting cousins usually mean food, food, and more food. I think I gained 2lbs just from the past weekend. Craziness. Here's the breakdown:

Monday: Squats (40)
Tuesday: Pushups (45), lunges (20 each), calf raises (75)
Wednesday: Pushups (45), squats (40), lunges (20 each), pullups (10, 10, 6), chinups (10, 10, 6)
Thursday: calf raises (75), pushups (45, 20, 20, 15), ab work
Friday: Squats (40)
Saturday: None
Sunday: None

At the minimum, I need to finish my mini-workouts. I can't let those slack. Then I need to complete some additional full workouts. It's quite tough.

Last weigh-in (after weekend binge):
180.0 lb

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