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Friday, January 30, 2009

All these family dinners...

Been going to a lot of family dinners lately. I know, not really an excuse, but much food. Here's the update:

Monday: Squats (40), horse stance (1.5 minutes)
Tuesday: Calf raises (90)
Wednesday: Lunges (20 each), neutral grip pullups (10), squats (40), horse stance (2.0 minutes)
Thursday: Calf raises (90)
Friday: None
Saturday: Chinups (10), pullups (10)
Sunday: BBS (30lbs X2)

Pretty sucky. Did horse stance a couple times. Forgot how much those things burned near the end. I do a pretty deep seated horse stance too. Enough so you can put cups on my thighs and watch me squirm in agony to keep them balanced. Haha. I'll try to fit in a couple of those this week too.

Last weigh-in:
179.5lb (that elusive 175lb!)

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