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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Back to action!

Finally got off my butt and went to Planet Fitness last night. Made my way in determined to get a good first day in. Needless to say, I was pretty psyched about returning to a workout program since I quit kung fu.

I hadn't run since around January, so I decided I would just warm up on a treadmill instead of doing a 30-40 minute run. After about 12 minutes of watching Two and Half Men on the treadmill (they got HDTV. How sweet is that?), I went to hit the weights. The strength training section was surprisingly pretty packed with men AND women. The wait wasn't long though. For the machines, they had at least two per machine type unlike the YMCA where it was one each. So it wasn't long before I was at it.

It was a what I called a CTAL (chest, triceps, abs, legs) day. So I did three sets (12-10-10) of chests presses at 150lbs. Then I made my way over to the dip station and did two sets (10-8) of body weight chest dips. Went to the dumbbell section and secured a bench. Did some chest flies with 35-pounders. Dropped to 30-pounders for triceps extension and a set of presses again. Finally went to the leg press machine and did three sets (10 ea) at 250lb. It was my first day back, so I took it pretty easy. Didn't do much more than that. I couldn't really do abs as I don't really like ab machines and people were already at the mats just standing around (no idea why...). But overall, it was a pretty good first day.

As a review, I'm not that sore today, so I'll probably have to hit it harder next time. Only soreness is at the muscles that were used more during the flies. I knew I should've done some incline and decline presses. But the incline benches were booked up. Next time.

If I go today, it'll be cardio day. Otherwise, if I skip a day, it'll be BBS (back, biceps, shoulders). This week is a bit off, but I plan on going Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. That's a pretty good three-day a week. We'll see how that goes.

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