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Monday, June 9, 2008

Joy of the guitar!

So I've been teaching a couple of friends how to play the guitar. I know, kinda the blind leading the blind. But they seem to be bitten by the bug. One of them is the friend that I lent my Lyon guitar to. She hasn't been practicing, but yesterday she sat down and went at it. She practiced her chromatic scale and a couple of chords. She mainly worked on G and Em; I threw in an E7 since it was the simplest chord I knew and also because it is used in Colbie Caillat's "Realize", which my friend wants to learn. Anyway, my friend went from someone who would be annoyed at me for playing the guitar whenever I saw one to someone who was determined to learn how to play. She sat down three different times during the day to practice, even when her fingertips hurt from the strings (remember, my Lyon has heavier strings). I told her that the first few weeks are harder, because her fingers and arms need to adapt to the playing.

My other friend has been practicing on my little First Act guitar. That guitar does not hold tuning well, so I'm pretty sure it's frustrating for her. One time I went over to fix her sister's computer, and while there for about an hour, I had to tune that thing four times! Geez! I'm pretty sure it's more frustrating for her too because she is jumping straight to learning pop songs. I told her before that it took me a few weeks to learn the chromatic scale and chord changes. Took me another few weeks to learn a song (plus its barre chords) and get the tempo right. But to each their own.

Anyway, between my friends and cousins, I know five people that I play or is learning to play. Pretty sweet.

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