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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

FroYo anybody?

So after a nice long walk around town in flip flops, a couple friends and I decided to head to the Super 88 food court to get some YoBerry. What's Yoberry? It's a frozen yogurt place that specializes in supposedly Korean style frozen yogurt. From what I've heard, it's pretty close to the Pinkberry chain in Cali. The frozen yogurt tastes more like yogurt than traditional frozen yogurt, which tastes closer to soft-serve ice cream. The "vanilla" flavor has a tartness to it, and they usually offer a special flavor as well. Last night, they had wild strawberry. You can add a variety of toppings to the yogurt; I added mochi bits to mine (previously I swore by mango chunks).

Some people don't like the tart taste of the yogurt. Others love it. I guess it's really a matter of taste. Anyhoot, I like it because it tastes light and tricks me into not feeling guilty. I've never looked up the nutritional value of the treats, so I can cling to the YoBerry-isn't-bad-for-you conclusion.

In general, it's a nice light dessert/treat.

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