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Monday, July 14, 2008

Grown Up Soda

So I was on vacation at California, and in the middle of the week, I had went to San Francisco. While walking the cursed hills of the area, we had to stop for a bathroom and drink break. So we entered a cute cafe and while my friends went to the bathroom, I checked out their beverage coolers. While standing in awe of a cooler that held beer and wine, I noticed some interesting juices and sodas in the cooler next to it. A certain bottle caught my eye and I pulled out a bottle of Dry Cola from Grown Up Soda. It was made with all natural ingredients and contained maybe 1% caffeine. I was curious, so I bought the bottle.

After twisting the metal screwtop cap off of the glass bottle, I swigged a couple sips. The taste was pretty kick@ss. Now I'm a Coca Cola fan, but this was just awesome. I compared the taste to Coca Cola diluted with ice. It was "not too sweet". Anyhoot, give it a try if you ever find it.

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