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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Countdown to vacay

It's funny how when you know you're going on vacation that you start counting down to it. No matter how much work you need to get done prior to it, there's a little kid inside bouncing on all the walls screaming, "c'mon, c'mon, c'mon!!" I mean you know how it is. There's all this daily work that builds up, so you're working to clear out what's existing, because you don't want to come back to a mountain of work. A little molehill yes, but no mountain. So I'm working on overdrive. But you can still feel this buzzing inside. This little desire to scream out, "YES!!!" It's a funny feeling.

I already know how I'm going to feel the day I come back too. I'm going to feel sucky for having a nine-to-fiver. I'm going to feel extra motivated to brainstorm ideas to get out of the rat race. I'm going to wish I was in a better place. Then I get back to my cage and run on my hamster wheel. Ahhh...the routine of life.

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