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Tuesday, July 15, 2008


So I finally got my laptop back from HP's repair center yesterday. I excitedly opened the box to prepare for any backup recovery I needed to do, but was met with a laptop that had the exact same issue it had before I sent it to them. I look at their info sheet for any information, and all I found was that they had replaced the "mlb". The description of this mlb was even more gibberish I didn't understand.

So I called HP at 10:30PM. I obviously reached a call center. I explain my problem and he transfers me to a technician. I wait 12 minutes before a technician comes on. I explain my issue, and he tells me that they had replaced the motherboard and a system restore/operating system install might be needed. Now, I know that this isn't the issue, but if it had been then why didn't they do the system restore BEFORE SENDING IT BACK TO ME? Anyway. I calmly explain that this isn't the issue and tell him that the computer does not even boot up and that the screen does not turn on. He has me do the same ol' stupid discharge static buildup from my laptop, which I did before I sent my laptop in: IT DOESN'T WORK.

He puts me on hold while he checks his "resources". He comes back and says that since it's normal for them to boot up the computer before sending it back, he can only assume that it got damaged during shipment back to me. Now keep in mind I received my 14.1" laptop wrapped in a bag with four inches of foam on the ends, packed into a box that can hold a small CPU case. The box arrived in pristine condition. But fine, whatever. Maybe it did get jostled around and a part came loose (which if it did, then the repair center just did a sh*tty job). Anyway, this technician tells me I have to ship the laptop back and asks me if I was okay with it. I blankly tell him that I have to be or sit at home with a laptop that doesn't boot up. He has no response to this.

He promptly proceeds to put me on hold for 15 minutes to process this. I don't know why it takes 15 minutes to tell the HP system to send me another box and shipping label. Who knows, maybe he has one finger on each hand and he types with a Klingon keyboard. I don't f'ing know. He finally comes back on and tells me that the box would come in 1-2 days and gives me my new service order number. He then also says that if after I get my laptop back and it still doesn't work, that I should call them and see what they can do then. I have no idea why he has so little faith in his own repair center. Maybe because they never checked it to begin with before sending it back. Did they even replace the motherboard?

So now I'm out of a computer for another gosh-knows-how-long. I've already been system-less for four weeks. I've spent an hour on the phone. What's another 2-3 weeks, right? I HATE HP.

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