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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Teaching old dogs new tricks

So after many years to trying to learn how to swim (yes, I don't know how to swim), I finally signed up for some lessons and a remote YMCA. I went to one of said lessons last night. I must say, I was quite nervous the entire day. I kept thinking of how I would look while drowning during the lesson. But after the lesson, it wasn't bad at all.

As I've said, I've attempted on many an occasion to try to learn how to swim. I usually end up swallowing some pool water and giving up. Most I could do was float on my back or kick a bit. I couldn't get the breathing thing right, and drowning scares me. But my instructor broke down all the moves and it wound up pretty easy. Can I swim now? A short distance, yes. But I have much practice ahead of me. I am glad I signed up, and I have one more lesson on Monday. After that, my instructor goes off for a bit, so I'll decide if I would sign up for more or just practice on my own. He gave me some stuff I need to work on, so it doesn't seem hard to practice.

Learning to swim is on my life list, so I'm pretty happy that I'm tackling it. I have quite a bit more on my list, but that's another discussion.

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