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Friday, July 18, 2008

We don't need Patron to party!

When I was in Cali, we had decided to cook dinner one night just to take advantage of a full kitchen. While shopping, we decided to get some tequila for drinks. Thinking we would do shots as well, I started looking for my go-to tequila for shots, Patron. As I searched for the $34.99 bottle (It's so much cheaper to drink in Cali, here it's $49.99), a man in the aisle overheard us and asked what we were doing with the Patron. So I told him that we were going to make some margaritas and maybe shoot some. He then told us his recipe for his favorite margarita.

He grabbed a bottle of Milagro and told us that it was less than Patron but nearly as smooth. He grabbed a bottle of Grand Marnier and told us to use that as well. He then told us to go to Trader Joe's and get their margarita mix for $1.99 and to pick up some limes. The recipe was 1 part Milagro, half-part Grand Marnier, and two parts Trader Joe's margarita mix. I'm always one to try things out, so we grab our ingredients and headed home.

After dinner, I busted out the bar stuff and made some margaritas. Now let me tell you, it was the best margarita I've ever made. I mean, the margarita mix wasn't too sweet, and it was all-natural. No corn syrup there! Then having a high-end triple sec (Grand Marnier) was nice too. The Milagro was smooth, but still showed its presence in the margarita. Just to make sure, I sipped the Milagro and swirled it around. Slight burn and pretty close to Patron, but the price was lower! As the night went on, we did some shots. Those went down smooth. Well, for me anyway. Haha. By the end of the night, we were sauced, laughter was in the air, new friends were made, and the bottle of Milagro sat empty on top of the fridge. It was a great night. It would've been a great morning if I hadn't had a couple shots of cognac, but whatever.

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