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Monday, March 23, 2009

Good progress with a slight setback

Well, up till Thursday night, I did okay last week. I was able to stick to pretty good eating habits and was able to squeeze in all my mini-workouts plus most of my weight workouts during the work week. Here's the breakdown:

Monday: Door jamb rows (20, 20), squats (50), lunges (25 each), BBS
Tuesday: Calf raises (90), counter pushups (25, 25, 25), chest isometric (60)
Wednesday: Squats (50), door jamb rows (20, 20, 20), lunges (25 each), BBS
Thursday: Counter pushups (25, 25, 25), calf raises (90), counter dips (10, 10, 10), chest isometric (60)
Friday: Squats (50), door jamb rows (20, 20, 20), lunges (25 each)
Saturday: manual labor
Sunday: CTA, counter pushups (25, 25)

Eating wise, I grabbed a mouthful of cereal and a vitamin to start each day. Then I had two cups of Cheerios with skim milk. I usually had some sort of snack before lunch (I keep either natural or unsalted roasted almonds, peanut butter, a serving of protein powder, and protein bars at my desk now). For lunch, I had the same thing the whole week. Sauteed chicken breast, lightly seasoned with blanched broccoli and baby carrots (I know...pretty bland, but as Jack LaLanne said, "if man made it, don't eat it", and "if it tastes good, spit it out."). I usually have another snack before I leave work. During work, I aim to drink at least 64 ounces of water. The only thing I would change about the meals now is to add a serving of carbs to my lunch. I noticed my energy levels were a bit low without the carbs. I would like to throw in a fruit in there too, although I wouldn't want too much. Don't want excess sugar.

With the new eating habits and my workouts, I was able drop down to 177.5 by Wednesday night. Half probably being water weight since my body now realizes it gets water all the time now. No need to retain water. But then my cousins arrived Thursday, and it was all about sleeping late and drinking. Tried to be really good with any meals that we grabbed, but it was tough.

Shoulder seems to be getting better. No complaints with the weight exercises with 5 pounders and 3 sets of 12. So bumping up to 10lb dumbbells with 3 sets of 8 and see how that goes. If it goes well, then I'll do sets of 10 or 12 for a week or two to let the shoulder get used to that. My chest is barely getting challenged with the low weight, but I don't want to rush it. Hopefully, I can bump up to 15 pounders in two weeks.

I didn't make it into the gym for some cardio, so I'm going to try this week. Weights are good, but with this "rehab" I'm doing and this body-fat loss challenge, I need the cardio.

Last weigh-in:
180.5 lb

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