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Monday, March 30, 2009

Still on track!

Did pretty well again last week. But I realized my weekdays are the least of my worries. It's the weekends that kill me. Workout-wise I've managed to be pretty consistent with my mini-workouts and my weight regimen. Here's the breakdown:

Monday: Door jamb rows (25, 25, 25), squats (50), lunges (25), standing rows (15, 15, 15), BBS
Tuesday: Counter pushups (30, 30, 30), calf raises (90), chest isometric (60), triceps dips (15, 15, 15), CTA
Wednesday: Squats (50), door jamb rows (25, 25), lunges (25 each), BBS, lower ab work
Thursday: Counter pushups (30, 30, 30), calf raises (90), triceps dips (20, 20), CTA, chest isometric (60)
Friday: Squats (50), lunges (17 each, 15, each), BBS
Saturday: Standing rows (15, 15, 15), CTA
Sunday: None

I'm on week one of using 10-pounders, and as much as I am tempted to go up to 15lbs this week, I will stick to two week phases. I'm being very careful with my shoulder. I'm still using 5-pounders for my rotator-cuff exercises, as I was told to aim for high reps on those exercises rather than high weight. I'd like to hit 3 sets of 30 or 40 before increasing weights and dropping down to 20 reps. Right now I'm at 3 sets of 20 - 25 reps @ 5lbs. So not too bad.

As for cardio, I made it to the YMCA on Monday only to find out my friend's membership, which I was piggybacking on, expired. I suppose it works out, as I was thinking of heading back to Planet Fitness. PF is open 24-hours during the weekdays, making missing workouts harder. So, the plan this week is to stick with my mini-workouts and weight workouts while signing up at PF again.

The weekends are proving quite a challenge. I had pretty bad meals on Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday. That plus my inability to stick to my 80-100 oz daily water intake caused me to jump from 176.5lb during the week to 179.5lb by Sunday night. Craziness. I'm hoping to be better during the weekend. That plus the cardio I plan on doing should help with my diet. I'm looking forward to my dumbbell weight increase too. My shoulders and arms are getting a pretty good endurance workout, but my chest and back are hardly challenged. With my two-week phases, it appears I will be back up to 30-lb dumbbells by end of May. Hopefully by then I am doing pullups/chinups and full pushups too. It's a long road to recovery.

I'm also looking forward to the warmer weather. I'd like to fit in more biking and hiking. Bagging a couple of 4,000-footers is my summer goal. And I'd like to start rock-climbing/bouldering too.

Last weigh-in:
179.5 lb

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