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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I hate the "It's my life, I'll do what I want" people

It's Wednesday again. I hate hump days. The past weekend is but a memory, but the coming weekend is still pretty far away. You know what else I hate? The people who think they don't have to wear a seat belt or a motorcycle helmet because it's their life and they'll do what they want. Their argument is usually that it doesn't affect anyone else. But you see, it does!

Take seat belts. Say you get in an accident. If you die, great. But say you survive, and your injuries are so severe you exceed your coverage on your insurance. Maybe you have enough personal money to pay your medical bills. But if not, you apply for Medicare. I now support your sorry butt, because you didn't wear a seat belt. Say you don't exceed your coverage. But you just added to number of claims that the insurance company pays out. Next year, insurance companies adjust premiums all across the board to cover their potential losses. I pay for your mistake. This is the same for motorcycle helmets, although if we're all lucky, your head explodes like a melon and no one needs to pay for your poor decision-making.

Another scenario in the seat belt issue is this: What if you get ejected from your car during an accident? What if I was just walking along the street when you smack me and kill me? Or what if you're sitting in the backseat and you fly over the seat and break the neck of the person sitting in front of you? Of if you were sitting in back of me? I don't want to die because the dumba** in back of me didn't put on a seat belt.

So stop complaining if the government passes another seat belt law or helmet law. Yeah, we might be infringing on your right to do as you please, but I don't want to be paying for your stupid mistakes. Wear your seat belts. And if you ride, wear a helmet. You don't want bugs in your teeth anyway.

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