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Monday, March 16, 2009

Trying very hard to fit more in

With the new body fat loss challenge, I've been trying very hard to fit more workouts in. I have yet to go to the gym, but I'm trying to fit my upper body workouts in. It really isn't too hard since I'm using five pounders to give my injured shoulder some rest. I had on a heat pad a couple days to help improve blood flow. It feels a bit better, but still some instability. I really don't think it's a pulled muscle anymore as it doesn't hurt during exercises. It feels more like it's unstable. Diagonal raises causes clicking too. I'm thinking it's a minor tear in a ligament or a strained tendon. Wonderful...

Here's the breakdown:

Monday: none
Tuesday: Calf raises (90), CTA
Wednesday: Squats (40), lunges (20 each), BBS
Thursday: Calf raises (90), counter pushups (20, 20)
Friday: Chest isometric (60), squats (50), lunges (25 each), neutral grip pullups (1, 3), BBS
Saturday: Wall pushups (20), CTA, pushups on knees (20, 20), Dynaflex PowerBall (2x1min each)
Sunday: Ski, short 20 min run/walk

Eating was a challenge. I was able to keep to a 5-6 meal day on the weekdays. Weekends are tougher, with me barely able to keep eating when I'm hungry. I aim to plan for my calories instead of the multi-meals. I've been good on the hydration during the weekdays too, which intakes of 100+ ounces of water. Weekends again, are a bit of a challenge, but I take in more water than I normally did.

I fit in a ski day on Sunday. Again, my quads were not ready, and they were on fire by the end of the day. Squats help, but not enough. I really didn't follow through with the horse stance training. I did go for a short run when I got home. It was quite a challenge to run after a ski day, and I barely made it back up to my apartment afterwards. But it was great to feel all the different parts of the body ache during the run. Makes you realize there's a lot of work to do.

I'm hoping to hit the gym this week and add in more runs. Hopefully, in a couple of weeks, my shoulder is good enough for me to start increasing my weights. Talked to a guy on the ski trip who's going in for PT degree. He said rotator cuff exercises might help stabilize the joint. I gotta aim for high reps, low weights though, he said. So the 3 sets of 10's with 5 pounders are gonna cut it. Should drop to 3 pounders with sets of 20-30. We'll see how that goes.

Last weigh-in:
180.0 lb

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