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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I hate stupid people!

I hate a lot of things, and one of them is stupid people. They annoy me to no end. You can try and break it down to them, but they would just look at you with a blank expression.

A while ago, I had gone to KFC with a $3.00 off coupon. I picked a family meal with sides that was on the menu for $32.49. I asked the girl behind the counter if she took the $3.00 coupon, which I printed off the KFC website. She said sure. She took the coupon, wrote $34.11 on it and did the math for the $3.00 coupon, bringing the total to $31.11. Simple enough; the $34.11 was obviously the meal price plus tax. She then proceeded to manually type $31.11 into the register and hit the pre-programmed total button. The screen flashed $32.67. She looked at me and asked for my payment. What ensued boils my blood till today:

Me: Why is it $32.67?
KFC idiot (looks at register then at me confusedly): Oh, we add tax.
Me: But you already added tax. (points at coupon with math)
KFC idiot: No, I didn't.
Me: Why did you write $34.11 on the coupon?
KFC idiot: That's how much the meal costs.
Me: Wait, how much is the meal? The menu says behind you says $32.49.
KFC idiot: Right, $34.11 is the meal plus tax.
Me: Okay...then you take $3.00 off for my coupon, put it into the register. How did it become $32.67?
KFC idiot: That's plus tax.
Me: But you already added tax!

At this point, the girl next to her is listening to the conversation.

KFC idiot: I don't understand. That's how we always do it for these coupons.
Me: Okay. How much is my meal?
KFC idiot: $32.49.
Me: Okay, why did you write $34.11?
KFC idiot: That's the meal plus tax.
Me: Fine, you take $3.00 off for the coupon. You type it into the register. Why is it $32.67?
KFC idiot: Because you add tax.
Me. You just said it! You added tax twice.
KFC idiot: No, I didn't. That's how we always do it.

Now the girl next to her is beginning to suspect something is wrong. She mumbles something to the idiot about what I'm trying to say. I am getting pretty heated now, but I don't want to lose my cool over something sooooo effing stupid. KFC idiot tells me she'll get a supervisor/manager. What's worst than dealing with a stupid person? Dealing with TWO.

KFC idiot supervisor: Sir, that's how we always do this with the coupon.
Me: But you're adding tax twice. (At this point, I don't understand why they can't press the button for the meal, total it, and use a coupon function. I used to be a cashier, though not at a KFC. But it's simple procedures.)
KFC idiot supervisor: No, we're not. This is how it works.

I go through the whole step-by-step thing. It's so simple, it hurts. They look at me like I'm crazy. At this point, I wish I had a pen and paper and I could write the stupid steps for them so their stupid heads could understand. But I had stood there for 10 minutes over $1.57.

Me: You know what, I don't care. It's a dollar something, just get me my food. I'm wasting too much time.

They get me my food. I look at the girl who's still pretty confused about the whole thing. I tell her not to worry about it and that I don't even care for the dollar something. As I leave, I contemplate writing to KFC. Or contacting the IRS or Attorney General, because if they do this to everyone that uses a coupon, they are cheating people out of their money and they are way off on their meal taxes that they pay. But I think to myself, that this is a battle I'm not gonna pick and that I'll let it slide. Besides, that KFC if pretty close to me and they haven't disappointed me in the past. I'd hate to to have to drive farther for my heart attack in a bucket.

I guess what gets me is that the girl behind the counter is at least high school age. What is so hard to understand about the whole thing? It bugs me to no end who stupid she was. Then her supervisor? Man oh man... But whatever. I feel better ranting about it.

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