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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Move over Dom!

Over the New Year's, I had the fortune of having a bottle of Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin La Grande Dame in my possession. My cousin was generous enough to give it to me before she had moved. At the time I didn't think much of it, but when I went to open it, I noticed it had a vintage year on the label. 1995. As I studied the label, I realized that this was more than an ordinary bottle of champagne. With a little research, I realized this bottle ranked up there right along with the Dom Perignon.

I also had the fortune of having a bottle of Dom before. A friend had given it to me (what luck huh?). I remember not being overly impressed with it, at least not impressed enough to spend $200. I mean, it was a great brut; not too dry, good flavors. Just not a $200 bottle to me. But anyhoot, I had some company over and we opened the Grande Dame. The cork came out with a very small, very disappointing pop. But man, it tasted nice! Just enough bubbles to dance on your tongue. Just enough dryness to cut to the palate. Just enough sweet to satisfy. This bottle, I could clearly see why someone would pay $160 - $200 for. Would I? I wouldn't say for sure I would go out and get one. Maybe for a special occasion.

I have heard that Veuve Clicquot makes a very nice Rose Champagne, and those go for $65 - $80. I'll probably try that in the near future. It's just that for me, if I were to spend $60+ for a bottle of liquor, it should be a long lasting type of alcohol like a nice single malt or a premium hard liquor. But as I've said, for the right occasion, I wouldn't mind splitting a bottle. Last bottle I split was the "Black Bubbles". Mmm...that was tasty too.

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