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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Work ethic or just genes?

I was out to dinner last night, and my sister was telling stories about high school and stuff. You can probably imagine a lot of drama there. Anyway, there was a pretty funny moment when she mentioned that a neighboring city's high school doesn't seem to rank as high as our city's high school. She mentioned that A's high school's 2008 valedictorian only (haha) went to Brown University, whereas B's high schools top three went to Princeton, Harvard, and MIT. As a joke, I plainly said that cause B has more Asians:

Me: Is B's number one Asian?
Sis: Yea...
Me: Is B's number two Asian?
Sis: Yea...
Me: Is B's number three Asian?
Sis: Yea...
Me: Is A's number one Asian?
Sis: Yeah...
Me: Is A's number two White?
Sis: Hahaha....Yeah...

And there you go. Now, before you go off and claim I'm racist, I am NOT racist. I'm just pointing out a fact. Currently, Asians seem to work harder right now. Even when I was in high school. The majority of the top ten of my class were Asian. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that we are fresh immigrants rather than the other "Americans" who immigrated here much much earlier. Because of our "fresh" status, our parents whip us to strive and succeed in school so that we can make a place for ourselves and our future generations. The others already have their place.

You know what it is? They gone soft. I mean, how else can you explain that 75% of my high school English AP class was Asian. Shouldn't the real "Americans" be kicking our butts in their own language? Shouldn't we only be doing well in math? Just based on B's high school graduation results, it has nothing to do with money. It has nothing to do with where the kids grew up. It has nothing to do with genetics (I know, my post title was misleading, but I've met some stupid Asians too so you can be rest-assured that the world won't be taken over by Asians who will then proceed to kill themselves because they got too jealous and competitive by each other's accomplishments). The reasons I think Asians do well is because 1) our parents really kill us if we get less than an A. Seriously. And 2) people look down on us.

I'm not deaf. I'm not stupid. I know not all "Americans" like us. I hear things. I read things. "Eww...City of B is going down. There's too many Asians." Or "Don't move to B, or your kids might wind up speaking Mandarin." Who's racist now? The funny thing is, most of the Asians I know are Americans. Whether naturalized or actually born American. But people don't see past our yellow skin huh? Well, because of this, we work harder, faster, better.

So if you sit at your kid's graduation this summer and wonder why the top ten of the class are mostly Asians, don't kid yourself. It's not because we're Asians and it's in our genetics. It's because we work harder and your kid is stupid. Well...maybe we're smarter too.

By the way, you're racist if you do the following:
-Ask me where I'm from and then be surprised when I say "Boston". What did you expect? "Oh my motha come from Hong Kong, but we weely like Amelica!" Do I ask you where you're from and then go, "Oh, I meant your great-great-great grandfather that immigrated here on a steamboat. Was it Italy?"
-Tell me that you had a Chinese kid stay with you for some foreign exchange student program, as if that makes you cool.
-Tell me you knew this Asian person once. Do I go up to you and go, "Hey, I used to live near this Caucasian family. They were really nice."
-Tell me you like Chinese food and order chicken fingers and General Gao's chicken. We made that stuff so you people would buy it and feel special that you're so culturally experienced. At least smarten up and know it's really American Chinese food:

(At my part-time job during college)
Coworker 1: Hey Dan, how come I never see any Chinese people at the Chinese restaurant down the street?
Me: 'Cause that's not Chinese food...
Coworker 1 to Coworker 2: I told you!


Anonymous said...

Hi Dan,

You are right on the money with this post... Don't you ever get tired of educating people?


truparad0x said...

Definitely. I do give some leeway if I know who said the comment and I know they are just sincerely naive about the whole thing. But if they are just trying to find common ground, I'd much prefer it if they just talk about sports or something.