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Friday, February 6, 2009

Tweaked my shoulder

I've come to a realization. Ever since I started my moving process, I wasn't as religious about cooking/prepping my own lunch. I was able to some soup and lean pocket weeks, but after I moved, I got lazy with that too. Just these past two weeks, I ordered out with my coworkers. Though I gave each lunch order some thought as to what impact it would make, I still managed to go up in weight. Obviously, the answer to that is make/bring my own lunch. I can control my caloric intake and see what I put in my system. Anyhoot, here's the breakdown.

Monday: Squats (40)
Tuesday: Calf raises (90), pushups (40)
Wednesday: Lunges (20 each), shadowing boxing
Thursday: Calf raises (90), pushups (40)
Friday: Horse stance (1.5 minutes), neutral grip pullups (10), squats (40)
Saturday: none
Sunday: Horse stance (1.5 minutes)

Squeezed in some horse stances at the end of the week. I somehow managed to tweak my right shoulder doing some shadow boxing on Wednesday. I managed to contract a muscle deep in my shoulder and cramped it a bit. Then I aggravated it doing pushups in my cubicle. It was quite tight and I tucked my elbows more than usual, putting more stress in the tweaked area. It's feeling kinda weird right now, but it should heal soon I hope. I did some pushups yesterday and it seemed fine. Blegh.

Last weigh-in:
179.5 lb


Nugget said...

Push ups in your Cubicle????? Hard Core! I use the Thigh Master at my desk, why not... no one can see me anyways. :)

Plenty of water and Plenty of sleep - keep you the good work!

truparad0x said...

Well, halfway in anyway. And it was after work hours; I was staying late catching up.