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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Final saga?

Well, I got my laptop back on Tuesday. I brought it home, opened the box, and read the tech notes. It appeared they replaced the motherboard with the processor and then restored the OS. Crap. That meant I had to do a full Carbonite recovery plus any software reinstalls. Fine, whatever. I'll deal with it since it appears they fixed my laptop. I pay the annual Carbonite fee for this purpose anyway (worth every penny by the way).

So anyway, last night I'm on my machine and chatting with my cousin. Re-reading the notes, it appears the processor they put in is different than what my system came with. Instead of a Turion 64 X2 TL-56, I got a Turion 64 MK-38. I'm thinking, "Wow, maybe they upgraded me." So I did a quick search, and lo and behold it turns out it's a slower chip. The MK-38 is a single-core chip at 2.2 GHz. The TL-56 I had was rated 1.8 GHz, but being dual-core, it's faster than the MK-38. So imagine that. HP fixed my laptop, but still left me worse off. It's like taking your V6 car into the shop and coming out with a V4. What a disappointment.

Well, today I called my executive case manager. He asked if I got my laptop. I told him I did, but explained the processor situation. He checked his notes and the original specs of my machine and agreed that I have a slower chip now. He told me that he promised me a replacement if this repair went wrong, so he put in an order to send me a brand-new laptop that is comparable or better. He explained that it'll get to me in 14 days and that I would need to send the current one back. Fine with me. This case manager seems very nice anyway, so I made the arrangements, and now it's a waiting game. So pretty soon, this whole fiasco may well be over. I can't wait.

Even though this seems to be ending on a happy note, I can't help but feel like I have a sour taste in a my mouth from all this. Would I recommend HP? Take a guess.

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