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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I cracked

So the BBB thing is supposedly in progress. But my cousin makes a very valid point. I don't think a large corporation like HP will really care what BBB says about them. A bad report would be like a speck of dust compared to the volume of business they do. So I gave in and called my case manager last night.

I gave Steven the updates of my four-beep situation, and he setup another repair order. He did tell me it might be longer this time because the repair center is in Houston and they still don't have power or water yet. I've waited three months; what's another week? I'm holding Steven to what he said too when I first spoke with him. He told me that they will keep repairing my laptop till it's done. So I'm going to keep calling him until it's resolved. I need this HP situation resolved. I won't stand down.

I cancelled my Acer Aspire One preorder too. I don't want to buy another machine until this HP thing is resolved. And I'm not sure if the Aspire One is where I want to go. So, it's more waiting. We'll see what happens October 8 too. That's the deadline BBB gave for HP to resolve the complaint. I kinda doubt anything will happen.


Anonymous said...

i'm looking at the acer one myself but i'm not sure it has the performance that i want from a laptop. i gotta cut down on spending...must resist urge to...look at laptop reviews...

truparad0x said...

Well, the Acer Aspire One is not a laptop. It's netbook. So you can't compare it to a standard laptop. I mean if you're just surfing and other light stuff, it appears the AAO is more than enough.