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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Can't run? Walk!

Last week was a pretty good week for me. I did my normal mini-workouts and added some upper body exercises that didn't heavily involve the shoulder joint too much. I was able to add some walking too, which was pretty cool in the sense it was something extra and it was nice to just walk around the area. Here's the breakdown:

Monday: squats (30), lunges (10 each), 45 min walk (2.34 mi @ 3.13 mi/hr)
Tuesday: pushups (20, 20), calf raises (45), 60 min walk (3.59 mi @ 3.59 mi/hr)
Wednesday: Walk total 4.72 mi in dress shoes during errands at average of 3.04 mi/hr
Thursday: pushups (20, 20), calf raises (45), 55 min walk (3.26 mi @ 3.56mi/hr), coffee table triceps dips (to test shoulder stability and to stretch - 10, 10), biceps curls (5, 5, 5), hammer curls (5, 5, 5)
Friday: squats (30), lunges (10 each)
Sunday: pushups (30, 20), situps (40), coffee table triceps dips (15), biceps curls (8, 8, 5), hammer curls (8, 8), bent over dumbbell rows (8, 8, 8), 1 hr bike ride (8.25 mi)

Again, I was able to start my upper body exercises again. Mostly exercises that didn't involve the shoulder too much - pushups, curls, dips. I normally do 40 pushups at once, but wanted to start easy with my shoulder, so I split it up 20, 20 on Tuesday and 30, 20 Sunday when I felt a bit better. The right shoulder tightened up a bit here and there, but no real pain. Doing the dips helped since it stretched it out a bit. I did the curls more because I wanted to make myself feel good about missing so many opportunities for an upper body workout.

The walking was very nice. It was nice to be able to do some sort of cardio. Not the most intensive, but having it pretty regular was good. Hope to up it to running soon. One thing I did find out with all this walking is that walking long distances in dress shoes is not a good idea. I had Wednesday off to attend to an insurance appeal and to run some errands. Figured I skip the T and walk around everywhere except to go home. Boy did that hurt.

I also had a pretty good bike ride Sunday afternoon with my cousin. I started a bit too fast, but did better with pacing after letting my cousin lead. I hope to do that route here and there. My cousin and I wanted to do some of those organized bike rides, but we would definitely have to train a bit for the longer ones.

Anyway, this week I'm going to rehab the shoulder. Instead of the 30lb dumbbells I normally use, I'm going to start off with maybe 10-pounders until I'm sure the shoulder can take the strain. I hate to get back to working out only to hurt the shoulder again. Better safe than sorry, because if I hurt the shoulder, that would be 2-3 weeks before I can do anything. Here's my current weight:

Weight fully geared before dinner: 182.5 lb
Weight fully geared after dinner: 184.5 lb (I'm sure I didn't eat two pounds of food; it's probably a combo of food and water)

I weigh myself this way, because that's how I originally weighed myself at the time of the bet. Fully geared just means clothed (minus shoes) with all my "gear" - keys, cell phone, knives, wallet. My gear usually adds 0.5 lb to my weight. I weigh at about the same time to ensure further consistency. So, considering I weighed 187/189 at the start, we're looking at a 4.5 lb loss. Nothing too crazy yet, but I have about two months left in terms of the bet. Relatively speaking, my weight now only amounts to a 2.4% loss.

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