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Monday, September 29, 2008

Okay week last week

It was an okay week last week. I managed to keep up with my mini-workouts at work, but I slacked over the weekend and didn't really get to do another BBS routine. I was out most of Saturday with friends then was busy with some DIY work on Sunday. Plus I was recovering from drinking on Saturday night at a get-together for a friend's sendoff.

Monday: Squats (40), lunges (15 each), front raises (8, 8, 8), bent over rows (10, 10, 10), shoulder press (10, 10, 10), biceps curls (10, 10, 10), hammer curls (10, 10, 10), ab work
Tuesday: Pushups (40, 40), calf raises (75)
Wednesday: Squats (20, 40), lunges (20 each)
Thursday: Pushups (40, 40), calf raises (75), dips (20)
Friday: Squats (40), lunges (20 each)
Saturday: Chinups (10, 5), pullups (8, 3)

I really need to get more workouts in outside of work, especially on the cardio area. Weather's getting colder now, so running outside would soon be difficult (cold air and mild asthma does not mix). I'm supposed to be getting back to the Y soon, so hope to continue cardio and possibly aquatics there. We'll see.

Current weight:
180.0/183.0 lb

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