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Monday, September 22, 2008

Just cranking away

Last week was okay again in terms of working out. I'm having a really difficult time fitting in cardio as you can see. In fact, I barely fit in any workouts as it is. I'm only relying on my mini-workouts during work, before I go out, or before I head to bed. I really need to work harder at squeezing some runs in and some quality workouts in too. Here's the breakdown:

Monday: Squats (40), lunges (15 each)
Tuesday: Pushups (40, 40), calf raises (75, 75)
Wednesday: Squats (40), lunges (15 each), side raises (8, 8, 8), rear lat raise (8, 8, 8), front raises (8, 8, 8), bent over rows (10, 10, 10), shoulder presses (10, 10, 10), biceps curls (10, 10, 10), hammer curls (10, 10, 10)
Thursday: Pushups (40, 45), calf raises (75)
Friday: Squats (40), lunges (15 each), parallel pullups (4, 4), chest dips (25)
Saturday: chinups (10, 8), pullups (8, 5)
Sunday: side raises (8, 8, 8), rear lat raises (8, 8, 8) <--started a BBS circuit, but didn't finish

I did some more plumbing work on Saturday. A faucet I replaced had a leak, and while looking for the leak, the washer on the old hot water supply valve broke, clogging the hot water line. Since they were soldered on, I had to saw off the supply valves (did the cold water one while I was at it). This was no easy task as the cabinet was really cramped, and I only had a couple of inches of room to move the saw. Then I had to file away the old solder, and that took awhile. Then I found the "leak" and fixed that. It was a long day of work, but I think I resolved it. Or at least I hope I did. Anyway, all that labor got my arms and hands really sore. I can see how some contractors have the arms they do. They're always "working out"!

Anyway, let's see how this week goes in terms of trying to fit more workouts in.

Last weigh-in:

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