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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Still crossing my fingers

I've had my HP laptop back for about a week now. I've been using it everyday to make sure the it's not going to do something and die on me again. So far it's acceptable. There were a couple times where the machine froze. Rebooting only resulted in the machine beeping at me 4 times (looked it up; something about system timer or 64K something). But letting it sit for a bit fixes the problem.

HP hasn't contacted me since I got my laptop back. Nor did the PR guy that told me he would contact me too. Some response, huh? I think I'm going to call my case manager anyway. Remember how HP shipped that extra RAM? Well, I plugged one of the 512's into the second memory slot and guess what happens? The system won't boot. I know they made me "whole" again in their eyes by giving me a stick of 1GB RAM, but I think I would like to have two memory slots that work. I mean, unless the RAM they gave me were different types.

I spent some time last night "optimizing" Vista. Took out silly programs from my startup menu. Went into the graphics part and disabled silly effects like fade/slide windows when minimizing and maximizing. That eats up memory that I can't afford to lose. I disabled the Sidebar awhile ago. It was just flashy; I barely used/referred to it. I also found out why my system was slow around 1-2AM sometimes. Turns out Vista Defrag was scheduled to weekly at 1AM on Wednesdays.

I pre-ordered the Acer Aspire One yesterday. I stopped by Microcenter on Monday to check out the 120GB model so I could test the keyboard and make sure I was really okay with the size. It was pretty decent. Screen wasn't too crazy small, and I was able to run Windows Media Player, MS Word, IE, and Mozilla at the same time. It seemed okay. I mean, I won't be doing anything crazy at home with it either, so it should be fine. I just have to wait for it to ship now.

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