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Friday, September 12, 2008

Will he call?

So after my call last night, I tried what the HP rep told me to do. I opened up the memory bay and moved the 1GB RAM stick to the second slot. Closed bay, reinstalled battery and hit power. The laptop lighted up and I heard my optical drive initialize, then the drive initialized again, and again...and again... I forced the laptop to power off (hold power button). This time I took the 1GB RAM out and put the two 512's in, one in each slot. Hit power. Same thing. Infinite loop. Took the 512's out and put the 1GB in the first slot. It booted up fine (as I expected since I hadn't turned it on from the night before). After a while of surfing, it froze up again. Forced power off and rebooted. Four long beeps again (the HP rep explained this meant a memory issue). This is the fourth time.

The question now is, will my HP case manager call me today. He supposedly received a message and an email from the other guy that "helped" me out. The other question is, what if the "solution" did work? Is HP satisfied that they solved my problem by moving my RAM to the non-defective slot? What does this say about their level of customer service? It seems to me that all HP cares about is making machines that barely last their 1-year warranty while making as much money as possible. Their customer and technical support sucks. Their "repairs" barely make it past their 90-day warranty, which I still find ridiculous. I know you can't extend the full warranty that much, but HP can't even guarantee their own repair for 1-year? Can't they just extend the warranty on the area they repaired?

I'm not the only one that doesn't like HP. Go ahead, Google "HP sucks". You'll get results about issues from way back up till today. So it's not a fluke. I'm surprised they're on the top of the list for top US computer manufacturer's.

All-in-all, I've spent way too much time on this issue. If Steven doesn't call, I'm going to do what I said last time and involve some consumer advocacy group, most likely the BBB.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully your Acer won't be as troublesome as your HP. Your experience have convinced me that HP products are to be absolutely avoided.

Zen said...

Here's an experience of a different sort. My 1.4 yr hold MacBook Pro's battery been flaking out lately - it would shut down the computer without warning, even though the battery meter on the battery itself shows 2 bars out of five.

So very late Friday night I logged into the page for the Apple Store in Cambridge and scheduled an appointment at noon on Saturday. I took my laptop there, waited about 10 minutes for them to call me up, explained my problem, and they swapped out my battery with a brand new one. Took about 20 minutes total.

Thought I'd contrast HP's craptastic service with Apple's =]

truparad0x said...

The genius bar IS a very big plus for Apple and their MacBook's. I'm just not ready to switch over yet.