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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Will it never end????

So for the third time since my laptop came back, it froze last night. I wasn't doing anything intensive. Just surfing. I powered it down and tried rebooting. Same four beeps and then nothing. Boy, is HP really getting on my last nerves. So I called HP...again.

I called asking for my case manager Steven. He had left for the day. So I spoke with this dude. I explain my issues which include how HP sent my laptop back with a loose memory chip and how my computer freezes periodically. This guy suggests plugging the 1GB RAM in the other slot to see what happens. He also suggest I try the two 512MB sticks (I told them I received extra RAM). He then told me he will leave a message and email Steven to have him call me back tomorrow.

I guess I'll go home and try the whole other slot thing. As I've said before, I've tried the 512MB in the second slot with the 1GB in the first slot. But I guess mixing the RAM could cause it not to boot. I'll try the 1GB in the second slot. If that doesn't work, I'll try the two 512's. If it works great. If it doesn't, well I guess HP has to do something about this huh? Even if it does work on the other slot, I think I deserve two workable slots in case I want to upgrade right? Seems fair.

We'll see. In the end, whatever HP does to solve this whole fiasco, I'm not keeping this laptop. I'm just waiting for my Acer Aspire One to ship now.


Anonymous said...

Time to send this to

truparad0x said...

BBB is my next step.

Anonymous said...

Take it to the BBB? you're too kind.

truparad0x said...

I'll check out consumerist too. I'm not sure how that process works.