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Monday, August 18, 2008

And make that snappy!

So last week, my friend and I made it into Davis Square to try out Snappy Sushi, a chain of sushi restaurants. We walked in and I was a bit weirded out by the giant wood table to the right where they serve customers. I opted for the bar hoping for a sushi bar experience. We ordered a tuna tartare (recommended by my friend), some nigiri, and a chirashi that I'd been craving for a couple years (pretty long time, but other places were charging $13-20 for a bowl of rice and fish while Snappy charged $9.99).

The decor of the place was pretty nice. It was modern colors and had a zen-like atmosphere. Wait/host staff was young and diverse. I looked behind the bar and was pleased with what appeared to be a Japanese head chef. His assistants were Hispanic, but what do you expect in Davis Square. Sitting at the bar, I was hoping the head sushi chef would at least acknowledge me, but no such luck. It was pure show to have the chefs there. They were just part of the assembly line and did not provide the sushi bar experience that I like at Chung Ki Wa in Medford Square. No biggie, I've only been to a couple of places where you can get that experience, so I don't expect it.

Anyhoot, the quality of the sushi was very nice for the price. I didn't get any makis, but the nigiris were well done. The tartare was interesting for a sushi place. It was pretty much tuna on top of tempura crumbs on top of avocado. It was a good play on texture, but I got most of the flavor from the crumbs. The chirashi was good, but you can't really mess up chirashi. It's sashimi on rice. The one big difference in this place was that they use brown rice for their sushi rice. It gave the sushi a slightly different taste, but the texture wasn't different at all. They cooked the brown rice very well; I would've preferred a little bit more sushi vinegar, but it was still enjoyable.

Overall, the sushi was presentable, tasty, and a pretty good deal. I would definitely come here again for pretty decent sushi for a good deal.

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