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Monday, August 18, 2008

Gotta keep an eye on my shoulder

I had a pretty good week last week in terms of fitting workouts in. I did mostly mini-workouts at work, but they were pretty effective:

Monday: Squats (30), lunges (5 each)
Tuesday: Pullups (8, 6), calf raises (30)
Wednesday: Squats (30), lunges (5 each)
Thursday: Pushups (40)

At home I managed to do some railing chest dips (20, 10), heating pipe chinups (10, 10), and heating pipe pullups (3) on Wednesday. I also did a BBS workout at home while watching the Olympics Thursday night. Only problem is I tweaked my shoulder during my improvised chest/triceps workout last Sunday, August 10. I thought I was fine, but during my BBS workout I felt something in my right shoulder. Don't know how to describe as it's not a pull or a sprain. I guess I would call it a nagging. So I decided to rest up over the weekend and not do anything till at least today or tomorrow. Didn't really succeed in that because I wound up playing some games and tossing a football around during a friend's birthday BBQ.

So with this tweaked shoulder, I have to be very careful with my workouts. Well, that's if I want to risk it this week at all. With it tweaked, it is a lot easier to pull it. I had this feeling before. I could probably just skip BBS workouts until it feels better, but then again chest workouts include shoulder exertion too. We'll see.

I also have to watch my diet. I ate pretty badly over the weekend. Need to be more controlled there. Need to cook more and eat out less. Tough to change body composition if I'm only working out.

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