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Monday, August 25, 2008

Know your limits

This past week, I had been "resting" my tweaked right shoulder. I determined that it probably is my rotator cuff as certain rotations hurt, while "normal" shoulder movements just felt weird. Having come from a background of lifting and working out, I knew that in my compromised state, I would risk further injury by working out. So I opted to avoid all upper body workouts last week. Here were my mini-workouts:

Tuesday: squats (30), lunges (10 each)
Wednesday: calf raises (45)
Thursday: squats (30), lunges (10 each)
Friday: side kicks (10 each), front kicks (10 each)

I did some rotations Saturday night to see how my shoulder felt, and I could hear clicking in my shoulder. So it seems like that whole joint is kinda loose. Normally, for any pulls or other types of "major" soft tissue injury, I wait a minimum of 2 - 3 weeks before attempting to workout again. But besides the clicking, the shoulder feels decent. I decided that this week, I would do heavily shortened versions of my normal workouts and see how it goes (instead of 3 sets of 10, I would try 3 sets of 3). I'll probably start on my chest workout first since it's not as involved as my BBS workout. The BBS workout can come later in the week.

I haven't been able to fit any cardio in last week. I've been trying to get some biking in, but scheduling got in the way. Hoping to do better this week. We'll see how it all goes.

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