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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How long can you hold on?

On Pandora:
Radiohead - "True Love Waits"

Ever press the palm of your hand to the faucet and then turn the water on? Most times you can stop the water for a brief second before it sprays in your face. Even if the water flow was just a trickle. Ever grab a handful of sand at the beach and hold on really really tight? You can never keep it all in huh?

I feel like things are like that in life. You can try to get a hold of things, try to keep them the way you want to. But you can't stop an unyielding force, no matter how small. It just eventually builds up and goes everywhere. Try as you might to control things, to correct things. It never works if you're pushing against the flow. Take having too many people in one living space. Friction will occur. It's inevitable. What can you do? Keep being the middleman and mediate things? It may be natural to keep solving problems, to keep fixing things. But sometimes it's just plain broken. Or take someone that is leaving. Can't hold them back. No way. Just gotta let them go.

Blegh. Mindless rambling...

1 comment:

Nugget said...

Deep....real deep. Nicely put tho. Some things aren't meant to be controlled in life and in order to have order, you have to let go once in a while.