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Thursday, August 7, 2008

HP saga continues

Logged into Blogger today and saw a comment from some HP PR agency. They offered to connect me to the appropriate personnel to help with my issue. It's nice to know it's attracting people who seem to care. On the other hand, I still have not heard from a real person from HP regarding my email to the HP CEO.

Last night, while using my laptop, the power ran low. I plugged in the AC adapter and continued. Soon after it froze and wouldn't boot up. I tried it again this morning with the AC adapter unplugged but still no go. I'll let it sit till tonight and see what happens, but I'm not confident at all about it. You know what sucks though? I am out of warranty now. So even though I started with this in late June when I was still in warranty, HP never fixed my problem and won't fix it now without payment for services. How nice. I would think this is still the same issue, but who knows how they do business. But the one-year warranty worked out for them, didn't it?

Wanna know something else that's interesting? Google "HP sucks". Have you ever seen that many forums and comments about HP's technical support? Wow. And they're not good either.

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