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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What RAM?

I went home briefly last night to pickup my sister for dinner. As I walked in to say hi to everyone, I looked through my mail. I saw the box for my HP repair shipment, but I didn't see anything else. No sign of my 512 RAM. To be fair, my case manager did say the box might show up first. And I didn't check with anyone at home to see if there was something else that came. So when I go home again, I'll check the house to be sure. That RAM better show up!

The longer this HP case goes, the more I'm finding out how HP's technical support is lacking for a lot of customers. I wrote earlier that Googling "HP Sucks" will give you quite a bit of reading material for bit. There's even a guy that went so far as to "review" sales of HP laptops with "HP Sucks". He must have had a horrible experience. I also got a comment on my previous HP post from a guy that's having a similar issue with his laptop. Apparently, he will be asking for a refund.

Where does my laptop stand? Well, I spoke too soon last time. I thought it was sporadic and booted once in a awhile. But now it doesn't boot at all again. Nothing. I've tried charging the laptop. I've tried HP's "discharging static buildup" method. Doesn't work. So I've already decided that this repair will be the last. If HP can't repair it, I will ask for a new laptop or a refund (with HP's reliability, I think I want the refund). I know the case manager said he will keep repairing it until it's fixed, but economically it's more efficient for HP to just refund me my $700 (they're lucky I bought it on sale). I mean, how much is it to keep sending a laptop back and forth? How much is it to send me the boxes to ship my laptop to them? How much is it to have their repair guys keep looking at it and not repairing my laptop? HP can refund my money, and they don't have to deal with this laptop anymore. Case closed.

But let's just see what happens with this repair. Then again, who's to say how long this repair will last? What if it breaks down later on? Oy. Why can't we buy a laptop and have the faith that it will last until it becomes obsolete? Oh right, you can if you bought a Dell...

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