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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mob mentality blows

Apparently, people in Montreal hates the police as much as some people in the US does. A fatal shooting by the Montreal Police sparked riots where dozens of people were arrested and an officer was hot in the leg. Too bad the neighborhood where all this happened is called the "Bronx of Montreal". Now I don't know exactly what happened when the fatal shooting occurred. And I don't think anyone will except for the people involved, the officers, and witnesses. And I know there are police officers that abuse they're power a bit much. But what I hate about hearing things like this are the people who take advantage of certain situations and do certain bold things that they wouldn't do otherwise.

Say this guy is stepping up to you. What are the chances you will start something? Probably slim, unless he crosses the line. Now say you were with 5-10 of your buddies. Makes it much easier to say something you normally wouldn't right? What annoys me about this is when people take it to extreme. People who think they are really tough because they got their "crew" with them. Or people who do things because no one is looking. I really hate that. If you are not brave enough to things alone, don't do them otherwise.

Take the riots in Montreal. It sure is easy to attack police officers when you grossly outnumber them. And I am so sure that the mob takes advantage of the fact that the officers won't use lethal force on mobs because THEY have to be the responsible ones. I mean, have you ever seen those police videos on TV where hundreds of people attack dozens of police officers? It's insane. Sure, the Montreal Police MIGHT have acted out of line with the fatal shooting. But we don't know what happened. Let the board investigate. Let due process take place. These people have this skewed view of police and brutality that they jump at anything to punish them. And if any civilians are hurt, guess what happens? "Police use excessive force" or "Police brutality injures civilians" It's really bullsh*t. We give so much crap to the people who risk their lives serving the public. Then when something happens, we run to them for help.

I hate it when a group of people mug someone. I mean, they're such cowards for outnumbering someone. You can't be tough if you can't do it alone. I hate it when people do things when they know they can get away with it. You know, the people on internet forums who are so tough. Or the people who shout insults at you from a moving vehicle. Or kids who throw Gatorade on your car because they think no one is looking only to sheepishly apologize when I run out and confront them for it. Oy!

I'm not even sure if this post is coherent anymore...

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