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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Adjusting guitar string action

So my last guitar post on my main blog left off with me adjusting my second guitar. The 6th string still buzzes a bit on the 1st through 3rd frets. So last night I loosened the truss rod a bit again. I checked this morning to see if the adjustment settled, but it doesn't seem to have yet. The guitar was in tune and the action is the same. I'll check it tonight to see if anything's changed. I might loosen the rod again a bit. I just want to be careful not to do too much. I don't want buzzing, but I don't want the action too high either.It might just be the strings too. The strings I put on Sunday are extra-light. So they might vibrate further than the heavier strings that came with my Lyon. I'll see how it goes as the adjusting process goes on.

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